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Saturday, December 18, 2010

No High Tech Gadgetry is Needed To Decode Your Signature Look For Prom!

James Bond is back and hotter than ever with all his high-tech gadgetry, but even Bond knows that to achieve his signature look, he doesn't need his gadgets. He only needs his trusty, classic black tuxedo with a bow tie.

To plan your signature look, you don't need high tech gadgetry either, just the experts at With This Ring, LLC Formal Wear!

With This Ring has the perfect tuxedo to coordinate with your date's attire. So whether you are going for the sleek, debonair James Bond look of a classic black tux tied off with a bow tie, or the more contemporary Justin Timberlake look of a modern tuxedo with a longer length coat and colored accessories, With This Ring has the perfect fit.

Here are some tips for choosing your attire:

WTR’S Tips to Decoding Your Signature TUX Look

1. After your date accepts your invitation to prom, start planning your attire. Decide if you are going to be sporting a modern or traditional look. Also, decide if you are going to tie into the theme of your prom. For example, many high schools are had a James Bond themed proms due to 007 being the year. No matter what look you choose, make sure it reflects your personality so that you'll feel comfortable wearing it.

2. To see examples of prom tuxedo styles, check out the With This Ring web site at http://www.withthisringllc.net/ and click on the Tuxedo link.

3. If time permits, wait until after your date has purchased her gown before ordering your tuxedo, just in case she changes her mind while out shopping.

4. You need to order your tuxedo at least 3-4 weeks in advance. However, if you get invited last minute, no worries, just get into With This Ring as quick as possible.

5. Take your date's dress or a swatch of her dress into the store with you to coordinate the colors of your accessories. Adding colored accessories to your tux is a great way to coordinate with your date's dress and make your pictures "pop".

6. Also, you can always rent your tuxedo and purchase the accessories, such as the vest, tie, studs and cufflinks if your heart is set on a particular style or color of accessory. With This Ring extends a discount on retail prom purchases too.

7. When you go into the store to be measured, keep in mind that the best days to go in this time of year are Monday through Thursday. On Mondays, With This Ring is open until 6pm and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, they are open until 6pm. You can go in on Thursday until 7pm, Friday 10-6pm and Saturday 10-3pm but keep in mind Thursday and Friday are pick-up days so the store will be busy.

8. Once you are measured, pre-pay for your tuxedo, so that when you come back to try it on, it will be faster because you will not have to wait in line to make a final payment.

9. Also, if you pre-pay, you can take home the tuxedo and try it on if the lines to the dressing rooms are long.

10. When you try-on the tuxedo, make sure you have your studs and cufflinks, as well as your shoes, socks and pocket square/hanky. If you have ordered a hat and cane, make sure you have those too.

11. Please let the consultant at the store know if something does not fit properly, so that they can correct it, as you want to look your best on prom night!

12. After you try-on your tuxedo, make sure you put everything back in the bag so that you don't forget anything in the dressing room.

13. Once everything is set, take home your tuxedo and hang it up in your closet so that it doesn't get wrinkled before prom night.

14. The morning of prom, make sure you don't forget your date's flowers. Pick them up early in the day while you are running other errands. Once you are finished, grab a quick nap. Then shower, shave and get dressed in your tux. Don't forget to put the studs, cufflinks and pocket square in!

15. Your signature look is now complete! You are officially ready for pictures and prom! Have a GREAT time!

As you can see, decoding your prom look is quite simple when you turn to the experts at With This Ring Formal Wear!

Contact us for more information:  Customer Care: mailto:jill@withthisringllc.net

Jenn Bittner

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